1. precious metals

Precious metals

XAU - Gold Ounce

Source Pair Price Ounce Gram
OpenExchangeRates USD/XAU 0.000369 XAU $2,713 $95.69
Central Bank of Brazil XAU/BRL 14,920 BRL $2,492 $87.90
Central Bank of Brazil USD/XAU 0.000404 XAU $2,474 $87.26
Bulgarian National Bank XAU/BGN 5,038 BGN $2,706 $95.45
National Bank of Ukraine XAU/UAH 112,413 UAH $2,696 $95.08
Coinbase USD/XAU 0.000369 XAU $2,714 $95.72

XAG - Silver Ounce

Source Pair Price Ounce Gram
OpenExchangeRates USD/XAG 0.03118 XAG $32.07 $1.13
National Bank of Ukraine XAG/UAH 1,321 UAH $31.68 $1.12
Coinbase USD/XAG 0.03131 XAG $31.94 $1.13

XPD - Palladium Ounce

Source Pair Price Ounce Gram
OpenExchangeRates USD/XPD 0.000999 XPD $1,001 $35.31
National Bank of Ukraine XPD/UAH 40,109 UAH $961.78 $33.93
Coinbase USD/XPD 0.000999 XPD $1,001 $35.31

XPT - Platinum Ounce

Source Pair Price Ounce Gram
OpenExchangeRates USD/XPT 0.0010594 XPT $943.91 $33.30
National Bank of Ukraine XPT/UAH 39,046 UAH $936.28 $33.03
Coinbase USD/XPT 0.0010595 XPT $943.89 $33.29
Liquid XPT/USDT 0.0000600 USDT $0.0000599 $0.0000021
Liquid XPT/BTC 0.0000000 BTC $0.00201 $0.0000710
1744 Crypto currencies 156 currencies 54 Sources 14613 Markets

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